The Open Enrollment Period for 2026 plans will start on 11/01/2025
Why Choose GHC-SCW?
Community Involved
Non-Profit Cooperative
Equitable and Inclusive
Please visit for a glossary of frequently used terms.
Get a Health Insurance Quote
Step 1
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Step 2
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Step 3
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Step 4
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Step 5
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Step 6
Please Enter Your Permanent Residence Address:
The 2025 Open Enrollment Period has closed. You must
have insurance and a qualifying event to proceed. The qualifying event has to be within the past
60 days.
What is a qualifying life event?
You must have a qualifying event to proceed
(Within the past 60 days)
Please enter a valid date
Effective Date
The Effective Date is the date your health insurance coverage should begin
Please use a residential address only. Do not use P.O Box address.
Please enter your Address
Please enter your City
Please enter your Zip Code
Zip Code
Please provide the zip code of your permanent residence. A member may be eligible for coverage if his or her residence is located
in one of the following Wisconsin counties:
The Zip Code entered is not valid
Zip Code is required
GHC-SCW does not offer coverage in the County you’ve selected. GHC-SCW is licensed to sell health insurance in the following counties:
A broker/agent may receive direct or indirect commissions or compensation when you purchase or
renew an individual insurance plan with GHC-SCW.
Direct Compensation: For Members with coverage on or before 12/31/2019, an
agent/broker may be paid $25/per member per month (PMPM). For Members with coverage on or after
1/1/2020, an agent broker may be paid $15/PMPM.
Indirect Compensation: Agents/Brokers may be paid a quarterly bonus for GHC-SCW
policies sold or renewed: $3/PMPM for 30-50 Members; $5/PMPM for 51-99 Members; $7/PPM for
100-199 Members; $10/PMPM for 200+ Members.
GHC-SCW employed agents/brokers may receive indirect compensation calculated based upon the
total number of individual policies sold.